Tuesday, July 26, 2011

20 Things to say to an I'll person...

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20 Things to Say to an I'll Person

blue birds sharing Tweets! 20 Things to Say to an Ill Person
Things TO SAY to an ill person #1 I don’t know what to say, but I care about you
Things TO SAY to an ill person #2 I’m going to the grocery, what can I get you?
Things TO SAY to an ill person #3 Do you just need to vent? I’m all ears!
Things TO SAY to an ill person #4 If you need a good cry, I’ve got plenty of tissues and a shoulder
Things TO SAY to an ill person #5 I really admire how you are handling this. I know its difficult.
Things TO SAY to an ill person #6 I’m bringing dinner Thursday. Do you want lasagna or chicken?
Things TO SAY to an ill person #7 Can I get your kids 4 a playdate? My kids R bored. 
Things TO SAY to an ill person #8 I cant sit still. Got any laundry I can fold?
Things TO SAY to an ill person #9 What can I pray 4 you about that no one else is praying 4?
Things TO SAY to an ill person #10 Can I bring a few friends over 2 clean your house fast?
Things TO SAY to an ill person #11 I don’t have any idea what U R feeling, but I will always listen
Things TO SAY to an ill person #12 I saw these flowers & thought they’d cheer you 2day 
Things TO SAY to an ill person #13 How can our church encourage those with chronic illness?
Things TO SAY to an ill person #14 Tell me what it is really like to be you for a day
Things TO SAY to an ill person #15 I made too much dinner for our family. Can I bring U some?
Things TO SAY to an ill person #16 U R amazing. How has your illness given you appreciation 4 life?
Things TO SAY to an ill person #17 Do U want me 2 come over while U wait 4 test results?
Things TO SAY to an ill person #18 U listen 2 me better than any other friend. Thanks
Things TO SAY to an ill person #19 I have Monday free if you need me 2 run some errands or take you
Things TO SAY to an ill person #20 – Tell me about this God who gets U thru 1 more day?


Nicole :-)

1 comment:

  1. Ah...these are so true. Instead they avoid saying anything. Maybe we should hand these out to our family and close friends. I know I will use these suggestions in the future because I too have been stumped on what to say at times.
