Wednesday, May 25, 2011


Hey you guys..... Just want to express how sorry I am for not blogging like I should.. I know that I'm suppose to put up my daily Lupus facts for the Lupus Awareness Month and promise I will post them shortly or soon.. I've been  focused on getting my credit in order so I can move South and purchase a house... So this is the problem!!

I pulled my credit report and I have medical bills.. I mean I know I have medical bills/co-payments that I didn't get to pay from my hospital stays... Ok so I went to the hospital to find out why they didn't bill my insurance?! Come to find out the hospital billed my insurance and recieved there money. The doctor wasn't in my net-work and they billed me for there services and I have to pay them.. To me that's some sneaky stuff they pulled on me because if your not in my net-work don't see me or at least give me the option to decide... And this was the ER doctor! So now I'm trying to get my insurance to cover the out of net-work fees so these so called doctors charges can come off my credit..

So my advice to my fellow friends is to be aware of these doctors and there sneaky charges and fees.. Ask questions and not just about your medical treatment and care, find out if the doctor or doctors that's checking you is in or out of your network. Just so you'll be aware of what's going on..

My excuse is I was be neglectful to the bills because I thought it was just the hosital co-payments and I know you can always make a payment plan at a later date. So make sure you check them bills LADIES..

Until later, Kiss Kiss
Nicole =)

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